10 Directions The Jurassic Franchise Can Go In After Dominion


Jurassic World Dominion has concluded the dinosaur-led franchise that all began with the classic Jurassic Parkbut where does the franchise go from here? Such a major series probably won't remain dormant for long and it appears audiences are still on board for more adventures in this fictional universe.

From a new film genre to the potential of a TV show, there are plenty of directions that the Jurassic saga could head in next, with the possibility of both new and original characters being featured. Ultimately, no one knows for now what the next step is, but these are certainly some compelling opportunities.

The Jurassic World trilogy demonstrated that a range of new characters could be introduced and audiences would still be on board. Is it plausible that Universal may go down the same path once more, moving away from the familiar faces and bringing in a new crop of talent?

It would certainly allow for a rejuvenation of the series. What's more, while the original Jurassic Park series was based around a group of scientists, the latest trio of films were focused on a trainer and a theme park manager. A new trilogy could look at this bizarre world of dinosaurs from yet another point of view.

The popular sim-style video game series Jurassic World Evolutionopened up endless possibilities for audiences, allowing them to go on their adventures and create the park that they want to see. It's a novel idea and one that's truly resonated with players.

The future of the franchise, for now, might be in video game form. Other major cinematic franchises have found inspiration by going to a different medium. Batman on the big screen for instance was revolutionized by what the Arkham series managed to achieve. Jurassic Park could do the same.

The video games aren't the only example of the series managing to break out of its traditional formula. Kids will already be familiar with Jurassic World Camp Cretaceousan animated show that fans of all ages can enjoy. Its been experimental in its storytelling and potentially showcases where the series can go next.

Are there more animated shows in the works from universal? This is the era of streaming TV and the Jurassic series could continue to get in on that action. With the success of Camp Cretaceous and the budgetary limits of live-action shows, it's plausible that animation is the future of the saga, perhaps with the same and newer characters.

Jurassic World Dominion brings the series full circle once again, allowing for a satisfying conclusion to a long-running narrative. It's very much been pitched as the grand finale of a popular franchise. Should the series thus be left in that position, with the old and new cast alongside one another?

It's impossible to believe that cinemas won't return to Jurassic Park at some time in the future. But a break might be hugely beneficial here, as audiences learn to miss the series again. There's a bonus that there are very few other dinosaur series out there that could fill the void.

Cloning is a recent concept introduced into Jurassic World and Maisie is living proof of its existence. While there are all kinds of incredible benefits to the scientific breakthrough, there's certainly the notion that if the series were to return, this cloning subplot could define it.

It hasn't happened yet, but human and dinosaur hybrids must have been discussed at some stage. It seems like the next evolutionary stage of the series, as it continues to break ground in new experimental directions. Is cloning the first leap towards that new narrative idea?

Out of all the dinosaur movies that have been released, there isn't a road trip one in a traditional sense. Now that the beasts have been released into the outside world once more, and animals and Jurassic creatures live side by side, this might be a perfect time to dip into the genre.

Surviving in this dangerous new world would certainly be difficult. Seeing a few characters living with the impact of Dominion, much like the short film Battle At Big Rock, would make for a compelling one-off film. Not everything has to be a trilogy, and in this case, Jurassic World might want to look at standalone pieces.

It's always going to happen. There's always going to be another version of Jurassic Park. First, it was World, then it was the research area. Now there's a national reserve for wildlife to live out freely, cut off from the rest of the planet. That's surely a story worth revisiting.

Usually, it's experienced dinosaur handlers that are trapped in these areas, ignoring the inclusion of some Park guests. Maybe the National Park could open the doors for new stories to be told, with characters completely out of their depth. The location is a perfect place to launch a new story from.

There are very few characters introduced from the new trilogy that could lead their franchise, but one stands out. Charismatic, a capable leader, with a unique skill set and an in-built narrative, Kayla Watts might have what it takes to be the next leading lady.

She's already had a great deal of experience smuggling dinosaurs and Dominion is not her first rodeo. A prequel looking at Kayla's time in the business, or a sequel where she transports dinosaurs to the national park, would allow the supporting character to move front and center.

Every Jurassic film has Dr. Henry Wu involved in the narrative somehow. It's a fun touchstone for the saga, as the scientist continues to innovate in his field. There had been moves to make him more villainous, although Dominion seemed to redeem the character.

It's finally time to tell Wu's story properly. There's still a chance he could move into the anti-hero or even villain territory once more, which would be an intriguing point of view to tell this story from. Ultimately, he deserves more respect and could become the focal point of a new standalone piece.

It's an idea that's bandied around for every franchise. The notion of a live-action TV show set within the Jurassic universe, perhaps combining a couple of these ideas, is certainly thrilling. But is it a plausible option considering the budgets involved in such a project?

Where technology stands right now perhaps not but shows like Primeval previously managed it on a much smaller budget. A TV show would allow the saga to take far more risks and get into the nitty-gritty of the dinosaurs themselves and the ecological balance that must be found.

NEXT: 10 Movies To Watch If You Like The Jurassic World Franchise

The Jurassic World series has reached its conclusion, so what's next for this revived franchise?George Chrysostomou

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