Marvel Studios announced that Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will finally be available on Disney+ on June 22, so first-time watchers can experience the unprecedented chaos provoked by Doctor Strange, Wanda Maximoff, and America Chavez.
Doctor Strange has become an essential part of MCU's Phase Four, and as more threats emerge, he is one of the few superheroes powerful enough to defend Earth. Considering Doctor Strange is powerful, brilliant, and at times, arrogant, his distinctive personality and incredible powers have allowed fans to create clever memes about him.

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When Doctor Strange wasn't saving the world from Thanos or Dormammu, he was saving lives as a talented surgeon who liked to guess songs while performing surgery. However, after a terrible car crash, his hands became gravely impaired, and he could no longer continue his profession.
Nobody can deny that Doctor Strange has always been a committed, disciplined, and well-studied individual. His intellect may now be focused on reading the Book of the Vishanti and learning more about the infinite wonders of the Marvel universe, but before, he was just as passionate about knowledge and studied everything about science and medicine.

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Doctor Strange mastered using the power of the Time Stone and the Eye of Agamotto to open rifts, close them, and alter time and space. He is no "stranger" to peeking at other parallel realities, checking possible futures, traveling to the past, or creating time loops. So most of the time, he is able to change the world drastically.
It is safe to say that Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful superheroes in the MCU. Just a few could change time and space in such a manner that Peter Parker was forgotten by the entire earth. Michelle Jones had a nice reality with Peter, but it was a shame Doctor Strange altered it.

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Not even the powerful Wanda was as successful in protecting Vision as the Cloak of Levitation has protected Doctor Strange. It has saved his life multiple times, is loyal to him, and never leaves his side - unless necessary. At every opportunity, it has shown how much it cares and loves its master, who definitely loves it back.
On the other hand, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan only showed creepy and disturbing behaviors or displays of affection. The vampire romance was full of red flags and other toxic things that Twilight fans can't get over. No matter what, any love story is better than Edward and Bella's, including the Cloak of Levitation and Doctor Strange's mutualism.

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Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have the best friendship in the MCU and are always fixing minor or personal issues. Doctor Strange, on the other hand, is constantly involved in big problems concerning the multiverse or other powerful characters. And there is not much the other heroes can do to intervene because what could a wingsuit, martial arts, or military weapons do in such crazy battles anyway.
When some sort of chaos erupts that goes beyond the power or reach of heroes with "normal" abilities, Doctor Strange comes to the rescue because he has the intelligence, wisdom, and power required for fixing catastrophes of this magnitude - in some cases, provoking them.

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After the terrible car crash, Doctor Strange's life changed forever, and he searched for healing in Kamar-Taj. His egocentric and close-minded personality was shaken by the Ancient One's lessons about life and mysticism. And of course, he was provided with all the artifacts and knowledge for him to become part of the Masters of the Mystic Arts.
Stephen never imagined his search for healing could lead him to such acquisition of power, let alone that he would have to save the world - not only by fighting against crazy villains but also by following them through multiple realities. It is one thing to have a battle in one precise moment in time and space, but constantly traveling through dimensions and timelines must be exhausting.

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Doctor Strange is so powerful and brilliant that in most cases - including the events that occurred in the Avenger films - he is the one in charge of fixing or finding solutions to major problems that other heroes could not resolve on their own. Some superheroes particularly do not have the capability to overpower ruthless supervillains like Thanos.
Unfortunately, knowing how to fight is not enough, given the grand scale of the wizards, androids, and aliens in the MCU. Although all the Avengers were vital on the battlefield, characters like Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Thor effectively thwarted the supervillains with their maximum power.

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In the Avengers: Endgame, Iron Man approaches Doctor Strange in the middle of the battle to ask him if, of all the 14 million realities, they win in the current one. Doctor Strange responds, "If I tell you what happens, it won't happen," though it was something as important as Iron Man's death.
Doctor Strange definitely knows how to keep his secrets since he always makes decisions based on reason and cold calculation. That is why he decided not to give a heads up to Iron Man and let everything unfold naturally, without letting his prediction affect anybody's behavior. It may seem selfish, but he was just trying to save as many lives as possible, as he always does.

Source: The Things
Nobody should test Doctor Strange's determination or consistency, and Dormammu can testify to that. It doesn't matter how much he exposes himself to danger, damage, pain, or even death, Stephen Strange will always put the greater good before his own interests or well-being.
There are many examples of how Doctor Strange has tested the veracity of Einstein's quote, but none can come close to the time he held Dormammu as a prisoner by making himself reappear over and over again through a time loop he created with the time stone. Bending time and space may have provoked some insanity in Doctor Strange, but doing the same thing has definitely worked for him.

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Nobody can forget the epic quote Doctor Strange delivers time after time when he faces the ruler of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu. For the most hard-core fans, the phrase may be one of the MCU quotes that live rent-free in their heads. Doctor Strange has said many great things throughout the movies he appears in, but this one is unbeatable.
The tone, formality, and assertiveness Strange transmits when he speaks to the evil demon make this phrase much more iconic. It also shows how consistent he is and how he is willing to die painfully and repeatedly to save humanity, which just proves how much character strength he has.

Tony Stark sacrificed himself to save humanity and defeat Thanos; however, there are many things that Doctor Strange could have done to save his life, which he didn't do. Stephen can be known for being arrogant and egocentric, and fans debate if he let Tony Stark die without a good reason. But, it would be against his personality to let someone die out of selfishness.
He didn't tell him he would die because maybe he had seen how in another reality of the multiverse, doing so, triggered Stark or someone else to do something that made them lose. And reverting everything to save Iron Man, or bring him back from the past and open a new timeline, was too risky, and Strange does not take anything for granted.
Doctor Strange's distinctive personality and incredible powers have given fans a lot of things to talk, discuss, argue, or make memes about.Tamara Garcia