Could the Flash's speed be taking him down a dark path? One application of Barry Allen's powers showed that the hero could see glimpses into the future, but Flash took it upon himself to make sure only the 'correct' things happen.
Few heroes in the DC Universe have a moral center like the Flash. After witnessing his father being framed for the murder of Barry's mother, Flash developed a deep sense of righteousness that would last his whole life. He became a forensic scientist with a proclivity for solving cold cases, making sure that victims would always see justice. As the Flash, Barry Allen went above and beyond his duties as an officer of the law and used his amazing speed to protect the innocent from evil. In many ways, the Flash is a paragon that other heroes model themselves after.
But just because Barry is a virtuous hero doesn't mean he's above being tempted by great power. Following the advice of a scientist friend, Barry uses his brain to tap into the Speed Force in The Flash #2 by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. Once it kicks in, Barry processes information at incredible speeds, giving the Flash Superman-level power. As Barry grasps with his newfound abilities, he realizes that by taking in so much information, he sees every potentiality, including the most obvious outcomes. In the middle of a crowded street, Flash realizes a dangerous situation is about to occur: a robbery that leads to a civilian getting injured. Knowing he can "make the right choice," Barry quickly sets out to prevent the worst outcome from happening by planting an apple to trip up the robber and attaching a tow hook to his intended getaway car.

The Flash has unlocked some pretty impressive powers thanks to his association with the Speed Force. But, being able to change the future has to be one of Barry's most shocking uses of the Speed Force. Considering Flash's previous experimenting with the course of history in Flashpoint, Barry Allen should be wary of messing around with the timeline, lest he fall into a classic sci-fi pitfall. To be fair, Flash isn't technically looking into the future so much as he's perceiving what's likely to happen based on information he's processing at an incredible rate. That said, Barry chooses to alter the present so that he can guide the future to a more positive outcome. With Flash’s time travel excursions, Barry is highly aware of how sensitive time can be when people play with it. But most of Flash's lessons have come from him experimenting with the past, not the future. Perhaps Barry doesn't see a problem with affecting the future because it has no risk to him or the world he knows. But Flash's confidence that the choices he makes are the "right" ones show an alarming pattern of behavior.
Barry’s best intentions are the same reason he wound up nearly destroying the DC Universe. Sure, the Flash’s small changes in the present might not create a Flashpoint timeline, but it may affect the future in ways he can’t possibly comprehend.
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